Tuesday, 22 September 2015


I am pleased that time has been set aside at the congregation's AGM for members and adherents to speak with each other and make a decision about the statement that has been proposed by CMC and Ministry Team. I have a couple of suggestions for amendments/improvements. Because it is not clear how much time for discussion will actually be available at the meeting, I am posting the proposals in the hope of getting constructive feedback in advance. 

THE STATEMENT: At Waterloo North Mennonite Church we welcome all people to participate in our Christian community of faith with all its expectations, responsibilities, and opportunities regardless of their race, ethnic background, gender, age, sexual orientation, income, education, ability or any other factors that give rise to discrimination and marginalization.

PROPOSAL #1: Delete the reference to "age" from the statement.

Reason: The Mennonite/Anabaptist movement began with an act of discrimination based on age. For various reasons, Mennonites do not baptize individuals until they are of the age of accountability (and children are not full participants in communion). I am sure it is not intended by anyone that this statement should be interpreted to reverse that core element of Mennonite practice. It might be possible to craft exceptions or qualifications to address this issue. However, given that "age" has not been a live issue in this series of discussions, it would be simplest to remove the reference.

PROPOSAL #2: Add the following clarification to the end of the statement: "This means a request to be married should not be rejected on the basis that it is submitted by a same-sex couple."

Reason: The core issue that has driven the debate and the development of the statement is the question of marriage. The congregation ought to specifically address the issue. The statement should be crystal clear on the question. Most importantly, same-sex couples, should they wish to be part of the congregation, or wish to be married at the congregation, should not be left guessing as to whether their sexual orientation will be an issue.

POSTSCRIPT: I actually have serious reservations about the overall approach of the statement (See my June 15, 2015 blog post: Next Mennonite? Century). However, it is high time something clear, concise and public was said by our congregation about same-sex marriage. That means that if something along the lines of Proposal #2 is included, I will likely support the statement. My final caveat, is that I really wish WNMC had engaged in a conversation about theology of marriage, as it applies to same sex couples, and that we had done some serious thinking about how a move like this affects our congregation's relationship with other MCEC congregations and conference policies. Perhaps it would be a good idea to defer the decision long enough to take the time to have such a conversation, but not if it were merely an excuse to procrastinate